Mail Tracking
At Mail with a Twist, we know that you’ll want to keep track of your direct mail every step of the way. With Mail Tracking, it’s easier than ever.

Predict. Track. Confirm.
What good is an amazing message if you don’t know whether it’s even been seen? The last thing you want to do is sit around worrying who has or hasn’t received your direct mail. If you’ve crafted a meaningful piece of mail, you deserve to know if and when it arrives. With Mail Tracking, we take away the uncertainty with a revolutionary new service never seen before.
Mail with a Twist treats your direct mailers like any other piece of mail that you can keep track of. We use state of the art technology to predict when every piece of your mail is expected to reach mailboxes. We’ll also let you know what how much of your mail has arrived and what percent still needs to be delivered. For example: do you need to know if your board member got your email? We can do that! With Mail Tracking, you can search by name, address, country, date range, and much more. Right down to the individual piece, you can know exactly when the mailman put your message in their mailbox.
Mail with a Twist is integrated to display deliveries graphically with Google Maps and generate reports based on multiple criteria. Just like ordering food delivery or waiting for a rideshare, now you can track exactly where your mail is heading! Whether you just want to know when your mail is delivered, or you want to track every single mailer, Mail Tracking can do it. For more of our user tracking services, see Call Tracking and LEAD Match.